Friday, August 31, 2012

Family Photos with Baby Joey

This is our first family photo with Baby Joey, (3 months in utero), taken in June 2012.  I didn't like this pose at all, previously, as I thought I looked way too fat!  Now it's kind of sweet.  More family pics to come as I upload them. =)  


  1. I'm thinking what a fitting title your blog is for your situation. I learned of your blog through your good friend from City of God. (Ironically it was the first time I read her blog.)

    My sister just had her baby who has encephecele (sp?). This is where the face is separated by a severe cleft palate and the brain comes out in a bubble. She was advised to abort immediately as the baby had no chance to live (which she didn't.)Your wonderful calming and submission to God's will reminds me very much of my sisters--everyone wanted to pray for a miracle, and, while she was not opposed to a miracle, she wanted to accept God's will in this.

    Dominic is alive and well, he is (I think) 3 months old, or nearing the 3 month mark. Shame on me for not knowing! he was not cured, but he also didn't die as doctors predicted he would. His face is split in the center but is covered with skin, he has a small bubble coming out from his face, which is a part of his brain, and this is also covered with skin. He's doing well, although he struggles with weight gain. The biggest decision now is surgery and when.

    You might find the story helpful--you and my sister have the same strength that I find your writing identical to hers. Anyway, here is the link to her caring bridge:

    And I will pray for you and your little one: for all your intentions, for perfect submission to God's will, and for a safe delivery for you and your baby. And for Baby Joseph, whose life is a testimony to all who want to abort "the unwanted." God bless you for sacrificing your heart!

    1. Dear Becky,
      Oh my goodness.. what a beautiful family and witness to the gift of life! Thank you so much for sharing your sister's story. We will keep them all in our prayers!
      God bless you!
